Wednesday 18 February 2009


today was an essay-writing day, as well a reading-all-the-sources-i-didn't-read-during-the-week-for-my-class-tomorrow day. a very hyphen full kind of day, as you can see.

i spent far too many hours in this position, or variations of it. i have not yet been able to work out a way to sit at a desk comfortably; it's been two and a half years of historianing now, surely, SURELY that is a long enough time to solve the problem? alas, i just end up slumped backward, feet rested in pulledout drawers -me and my desk are intimate friends. happily, i had grapefruit squash to help me through this diffcult time (see the mug? it's covered in little illustrations of gardening implements. why? noone knows. it is simply brilliant, and there are no further explanations needed).

the reading and writing would have probably taken less time had i not been sucked into flickr- damn you, beautiful, seductive flickr. what kind of person makes BAJILLIONS of wonderful photographs available to me on my laptop? what kind of person does that to a girl trying to do work? eh? eh? mean sadists, that's who.

favourites of the day:

from cluttershop

from Vaguery, who has a fantastic collection of public
domain images, like this one (which, if i'm honest
i found a while back, not today- but it is so beautiful
that i have to gaze upon it periodically)

a girl after my own heart.

thank you, michal, for making my day a bit more beautiful.


  1. reading your posts has led me to wondering if you ignore capitalisation in your blogging as a way of rebelling against all the correct capitalisation you need in your essays? sorry, that may seem completely random.

  2. hah- if only i were so intellectual. it's an aesthetic thing, i just like the look of lower case far far more.
